Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Build Season Progress Report 3

Day 14 (Friday)-gears, worked on shooter

Day 15 (Saturday)-Tried to make bumpers, but decided to get the wood cut at Home Depot or Lowes, the device to remove gears from motors didn't work, gears being worked on, electrical panel worked on

Day 16 (Sunday)- worked on gear box for prototype shooter, made some parts, started working on electrical panel (the lay out), worked on field

Day 17 (Monday)-fixed the gear box to the two fisher price motors and tested the shooter, but at 100 % the shooter still didn't preform as well as it did with the cim motor. Parts started coming out. Electrical- motor list complete, sensor list complete, their parts list is complete (things are being ordered). Meeting- appendage: 1 arm (rectangular so it is stronger), drawing of parts are being made.

Day 18 (Tuesday)- Day 23(Sunday)- worked on parts, electrical worked on panel, and programming programmed

Day 24 (Monday)- Electrical is ahead of time, they have to hook up sensors. Programming has a drive code that works. Mechanical has the base in and all part drawings should be done within the next few days

Day 25 (Tuesday)- Electrical worked on panel, mechanical made parts, programming programmed

Day 26 (Wednesday)- Same as Tuesday and a few more part drawings came out today

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Build Season Progress Report 2

Day 6 (Thursday 12th)- The shooter prototype is working but the ball only went about a foot, started improving the prototype of the appendage and attached it to an old robot, conveyor prototype is completed, but not yet successful

Day 7 (Friday 13th)- Conveyor belt prototype works, but not as successfully as we hoped because of friction; shooter prototype was improved by removing the gear box, connecting the motor to the wheels with two gears and the wheels that shoot the ball were increased in size. All of these changes allowed the shooter to increase its distance by four or five feet, altering the angle of the shooter made the ball go higher.

Day 8 (Saturday 14th)- Made a prototype to get the balls from the conveyor to the shooter with FTC parts; collected data on how consistent the shooter was shooting goals, tested it in different parts of the field and tested how many times the shooter could throw the balls a certain distance consistently; electrical-battery chargers were hooked up

Day 9 (Sunday 15th) - Programming worked on vision tracking and can track a rectangle. Started worked on drive gears on the lathe and drilled holes in them. Electrical worked on the parts list and motor list. The shop was cleaned up some.

Day 10 (Monday 16th)-Electrical verified parts list and motor list. Modified the shooter and made the prototype more stable (not using as many C-clamps). Made space to be able to build two robots and are working on the tables were we assemble the robot. The gears are still in progress. Actuator- pulls down bridge and be able to lift the front of the robot in order to get over the barrier if the tracks on the wheels break

Day 11 (Tuesday 17th) - Finished the tables for the robot assembly; shooter prototype was modified some and then tested; gears are still being worked on

Day 12 (Wednesday 18th) - Started working on the big gears; further testing on the shooter was conducted; cleaned; electrical started discussing the electrical panel

Day 13 (Thursday 19th)- working on gears and shooter; electrical working on panel